Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Last night I watched One flew over the Cuckoo's nest. It was utterly beautiful. I have so much to do over the break that I feel like wasting not a single moment. I do not even wish to apply for jobs etc. All I want to do is spend time listening to good music, watching a good film, and reading a good book. I wish someone could apply for jobs on my behalf.

I love jach nicholson and milos; the entire team, actually.
i love the fact that my bed is very high. this is something that never ocurred to me earlier. High beds can wonderful! not only is the feelng of being high beautiful but high beds create more space and make for a cleaner floor space, and a more royal sleeping experience. my bed is the same height as the window sill so i feel that i am sleeping next to the sky.


Anonymous said...

When you wrote that, I was probably torturing Jiaxin walking on Brooklyn Bridge at night. How weird huh?
Why am I a devil?
Why am I a kid?
Why am I?

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